If you’re in the market to find an airline card simply based on your travelling habits or you’re looking for a card that has no annual fee, there are some good ones out there that don’t carry one. Unfortunately, there are cards that do carry a hefty annual fee and there are cards that are very comparable when it comes down to an annual fee.
I’m going to show you some things you should look out for when you’re looking for a card that has no annual fee because just because it doesn’t have one, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be a great card for you and your travels.
Look at the point system: Does the card have a great point system? If so, how do you get your free airline miles? Is it worth it when you spend a dollar? For example, are you spending one dollar and getting one point or are you spending one dollar and getting 6 points? The more you spend, the more you get in return.
Are there blackout dates? One of the perks that I hate with travel cards is that they have expiration dates or blackout dates. If your card has one of them, I wouldn’t even consider it! You’re going to find that when you go to cash it in, your points will probably expire and that won’t make you a happy camper, trust me.
Can you get rewarded everywhere? Some cards will only allow you to get rewarded with particular airlines while others will allow you to use your card everywhere. The question is, do you want to be restricted to one airline or do you want to use your card and get rewarded for every purchase? Sure, it’s great to be loyal to a particular airline company but you may find it more beneficial to get a card that rewards you across the board.
Are there a lot of fees? Sure, the card has no annual fee but does it have monthly fees or other hidden fees? Sometimes, the credit card companies love to play a game that tricks the mindset of many individuals looking to apply for a card. The lesson learned here is to make sure that you read the application over at least three times to make sure you know all the fees that are going to be included. You want a card that has no fees at all. If you’re looking for a card with no interest rate, you’re going to need luck because most have rates!
In the end, you want to read the application carefully. Make sure that you know what you’re doing and just because it has no annual fees, it doesn’t mean it’s a great card. It’s like a purchase in life. You may spend $1 for a toothbrush but is it really good? Sometimes an annual fee is a good thing but other times, it’s not. This will all depend on the card itself. Go out there, do your research and you should find a perfect travel card.
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